Controls for the eradication of the rat continue
“Six months, and 8 checkups”! Oh yes, we are now in the intermediate phase of the black rat eradication activities and a long and hard work has been done since January by the w
Life Diomedee is a project co-financed by the European Union in support of the protection of species and habitats of the Gargano National Park and the Regional Park of the Coastal Dunes.
The objectives include the protection of the Scopoli’s shearwater and the Yelkouan shearwater , the safeguarding of the dune and rear dune habitats and of the native vegetation in the protected area of the project area.
To pursue the aim, actions will be undertaken to eradicate invasive alien animal and plant species.
Life Diomedee is a project co-financed by the European Union in support of the protection of species and habitats of the Gargano National Park and the Regional Park of the Coastal Dunes.
The objectives include the protection of the Scopoli’s shearwater and the Yelkouan shearwater, the safeguarding of the dune and rear dune habitats and of the native vegetation in the protected area of the project area.
To pursue the aim, actions will be undertaken to eradicate invasive alien animal and plant species.
The LIFE Diomedee Project aims to protect the Scopoli’s shearwater and Yelkouan shearwater and their natural habitat, as well as to eradicate the invasive alien species and plant species that are harmful to the habitat in which the shearwaters breed.
“Six months, and 8 checkups”! Oh yes, we are now in the intermediate phase of the black rat eradication activities and a long and hard work has been done since January by the w
In mid-June, all our project partners gathered for the monitoring visit. With great pleasure were our guests the Monitor for Life Nature projects in Italy, Sara Luchetti and Angelo
In March, the Berta, after spending the winter at sea, returned to the remote nesting sites of the Tremiti Archipelago. A few days ago the female laid her only egg, which will be i