Ente Parco Nazionale del Gagrgano

The Gargano National Park, established in 1991, covers an area of 121,118.00 ha in the province of Foggia.
The protected environmental typologies include a wide variety of ecosystems, both terrestrial (referable to dune systems, woods, Mediterranean scrub and agro-pastoral landscape) and aquatic (referable to inland, transitional and marine waters). The Park in fact preserves important forest extensions such as the Umbra Forest, wetlands of community importance, the Lesina and Varano lagoons, the archipelago of the Tremiti Islands and the surrounding Marine Protected Area (Tremiti Islands). Within the borders of the Park, there are 10 SCIs and 3 SPAs.
The Park has completed two LIFE Nature projects, LIFE98 NAT / IT / 005121 and LIFE08 NAT / IT / 000326, as well as a LIFE Environment project. It will perform the function of coordinating beneficiary and will have direct responsibility for the concrete actions that will take place in its territory, as well as for most of the communication and general management activities of the project.
The project will allow the NPC to start taking all necessary measures to control the dissemination of IAS and counteract its impacts. The IAS in fact are increasingly affecting a wide variety of environments protected by the park (fresh water, brackish water, coastal terrestrial habitat), especially on the islands.